It’s all a high speed ‘Jubilee’ blur!!

The Composer is living in a fog! He’s also been swimming against the tide! Basically, The Composer has watched the past 60 days disappear in a total blur and now is the time of reckoning!

Since the end of the last blog in March, The Composer has been plotting, planning and generally making lists with dates, times and activities all set out with miliary precision – and all heading towards the great celebration of H.M’s Jubilee.  There was some success but more failures in keeping to the plans. The plans involved copious amounts of ‘finishing’ to ensure Composers at Woodlands was repaired and totally ready for H. M in case she turned up unexpectedly!

Those who follow the Blog will know of the devastation of Storm Arwen in November 2021 and that Composers at Woodlands suffered enormous damage. Well, that is now all behind us – the land is recovered, the new trees are well into growing, the turf has been laid and is also growing, the various flower beds, displays and architectural landscaping is complete, and Composers is now restored to its proper glory!  However, The Composer’s timetable for all this activity has been thwarted by delays, revised dates, altered plans, re-arranged schedules and (dare he say this?) an unexpected week holiday on the Norfolk Broads where the high-speed blur was reduced to 6 mph as The Composer and Mrs C cruised around the famous waterway of East Anglia.

Now back from that sedate cruising, The Composer and Mrs C are in blur mode again, realising that H.M’s celebration is fast approaching, and Composers is determined to give guests and the local village a day to remember. So, on Friday 3rd June, Composers opens its grounds to everyone to come along and share in a Jubilee party entitled ‘4 P’s in the Paddock’. In case you are wondering, it stands for Pimms, Pints n Pulled Pork .  But that’s just the start of it! Even greater varieties of additional food and drink, an enormous celebration cake, live entertainment and much more is promised to everyone and (if you know who turns up) we will have a seat for her to enjoy  Northumbrian hospitality, food and culture! Why would she go anywhere else??

So, this is the end of a blog which comes totally in the wrong place – mid month! The next Blog will be at the end of June when you’ll be able to see our celebrations – assuming The Composer has mastered the art of advanced media communications and can upload pics to the blog as well as text.  Another job with a high-speed learning curve.  Even more blur ahead of the Jubilee.  See you soon!!