Thanks for Summer – here comes Autumn

The Composer wrote the last Blog way back in July and ended with the phrase ‘till, the next time, have a great summer’. And so nearly 8 weeks on, summer is fading to Autumn and the month of October and this Blog comes with a raft of ‘thanks’ so here goes!

Thanks to everyone who visited Composers in the past weeks, thanks to hard working staff who have prepared for all our guests and maintained the high standard for which we are renowned, thanks to our gardener who has kept our grounds in pristine order, thanks to guests for their kind words, thanks for the massive verbal thanks from ‘young guests’ enjoying our play area, the play paddock, our local beach and the area around Berwick and the Borders. (They really do make Composers lively when they are here and are never hesitant in commenting!!)

The Composer and Mrs C have just returned from holiday, which was much anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed. But it’s now time to return to the office, the site and the grounds – and the day job!

Since the last Blog we have also experienced huge change. A new Prime Minister, the loss of our Queen and the realisation we now sing ‘God save the King’, as a new Monarch takes the Throne.  Rising energy prices and a hike in food bills capped off the last weeks. Who could have forecast this train of events?

Composers at Woodlands is like many businesses and companies who are re-evaluating their strategy going forward.  Composers has prepared rates for the 2023 season considering increased costs in many sectors of the hospitality industry. Through it all, Composers at Woodlands believes that giving exceptional value and remaining a 5-star, Gold Award business is key to continued success.  So, a final thank you is due for the commitment of guests who came for the first time or returned for their annual visit (some have even been coming 2 & 3 times in the year!) and to those who have already committed to their 2023 stay with us!!  

This year has been challenging but high occupancy reflects the choice our Guests have made. So, to the future. The Composer and Mrs C remain determined to be the best, at the most sustainable price in 2023.