The ‘Composer’ and Mrs C are using the word ‘GRAND’ a lot! April has been GRAND, the weather throughout the month has been GRAND, the accommodation is looking GRAND, the gardens and landscape areas are looking equally GRAND and finally, it is with some pride that The Composer and Mrs C are both feeling GRAND – well GRAND-parents to be honest!
GRAND is a word we grew up with in ‘the North’ – maybe it’s slightly disingenuous to our friends in ‘the south’ but its not a word we hear so often ‘down there’. Maybe its because being Northern was GRAND, maybe even GRADELY, which has another odd ring to it. Onomatopoeic words – by ‘eck that’s a mouthful – are words that feel just how the sound, like “squish”, “woosh”, “clip clop”, “splat” – oh, I could go on, but you get the gist?? Well, GRAND is a word that fits the bill perfectly. It conjures up something stately, something worthy of recognition or maybe a feeling of well being. So on that basis, everything that has been grand in paragraph one is just……grand!
Sprucing up the grounds of Composers over the past month gave one guest cause to actually suggest “isn’t it grand, round here? All those lovely plants and flowers are really grand.” It never occurred to us we were doing anything this year we haven’t done in the past as our Gardener merrily plants colour into our borders, tubs and hanging baskets. But if that makes everything GRAND – so be it.
As to being GRAND parents (yet again) what can we say? Its such a thrill and the latest addition (our second GRAND daughter) arrived late April so we can only echo our ancestral language – we felt just GRAND!
If this grand weather continues we look forward to offering our usual warm welcome to past and new guests. It’ll be GRAND to see you!