Easter Eggs and fun!

The month marched in, marched on and marched out.  The past 28 days of March have been filled with guests and sheer fun!  The Composer can do fun, enjoys guests and is also definitely up for the odd Easter Egg!

With Easter landing in March, ‘Composers at Woodlands’ has been at full tilt with much activity, guests to-ing and fro-ing and the holiday season off to a cracking start.  Add in the school holidays which have stretched longer than ever and we have watched our younger guests making full use of all our facilities over several weeks as schools took differing break times.

Beyond the holiday properties our guests descended on major attractions and places of interest in Northumberland with an insatiable appetite for facts, information and knowledge.  Education has moved on. The Composer got a brochure or a ‘Gestetner’ page of facts (do you remember the smell of printing ink off those machines?) but today’s guests simply check out the venue they are visiting on their iPad, tablet or phone.  The youngsters even tell parents the route to take and how long the journey will be in miles and minutes!!  Oh, educated kids – who’d have ’em?!

There was no shortage of Easter eggs at Composers over the celebration weekend and some rather ‘attractive’ faces smothered in chocolate as Easter Day progressed and a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary with us. With great weather and so much to do it seems everyone was well satisfied – even The Composer got ONE egg!!

Fun and enjoyment are the staple diet of ‘Composers at Woodlands’ and The Composer and Mrs C are not immune to enjoying themselves. A weekend away on Loch Lomond early in March, meals out with great friends and a catch up with family has made March a fun filled month. Now comes the serious bit! Lots of guests means lots of washing, cleaning, ironing and maintenance.  Thanks to a great service team, our properties and grounds are pristine and welcoming – boy, is it fun watching the ironing pile!!

Ah well, never mind the ironing – back to the fun. Let’s see if we can find an Egg that everyone missed – there has to be one somewhere!